Blehhhhhhh my thoughts as of today/tonight...

So I couldn't sleep last night, which is really frustrating because then I wake up late :/
My first day of college is on Monday, and honestly I'm so fucking scared. I literally don't know anyone since I recently moved up here, but all I can hope for is that I meet cool people that aren't assholes. Sounds strange, but I have a tendency to become friends with people who aren't the best. That was in California. I know it sounds stereotypical, but of all the girls I knew in California, they were all bitches. They would try to steal my boyfriend, they would blow me off when we were supposed to hang out, they would change their look overnight, they would hook up with guys like it was nothing, and they would wear so much makeup that you would wonder what they would look like if they jumped in a pool and all their makeup came off. I was born and raised in California, and I'm so glad that I'm not the typical "California Girl". For starters, I can't tan. I only get burned. My skin is so fair that I literally get a heat rash just standing in the sun. Bleh. Secondly, I don't like the ocean because it's cold and I'm always scared of stepping on glass in the sand. And thirdly, I can't stand the "beach brands" of clothing. Everyone looks like clones of each other and I will never understand how someone could choose to dress like that. I personally HATE when I see someone wearing something I have. It happens on rare occasions, but when it does, I usually don't wear it anymore because it bothers me so much. Yeah I know it seems too dramatic, but I really can't help it.
Since I officially moved here in the beginning of August, it's been really hard for me. My best friend, aka my boyfriend, is still in California. We have been together for a little over two years now, but we knew each other for a total of two and a half. If you are looking for a guy to steal your heart, the easiest way is to stop trying. Sounds strange, but it's the truth. I was trying so hard to be likable, but I just got so sick of it and it was stressing me out. Once I changed high schools and I didn't know anyone, I was just myself and let it roll [atl<3]. My boyfriend was pretty much the "punk kid" of my high school. He reminded me of Frank Iero with the down mohawk hair style and all :] which I found totally cute. But me being stupid, I thought that he would never in a bazillion years ever like me because I wasn't really "punk". All throughout sophomore year I would secretly glance at him walking to class and just wish that I would have the guts to just smile back or even say hi, but I couldn't. A week after sophomore year ended, one of his friends added me on myspace [cliche huh?] and I instantly accepted, thinking that maybe I could find my "crush" on his friends list. To my luck [which isn't very often], he was on the list. I added him and freaked out thinking that he wouldn't add me. A few days later, he sent me a message saying "what's up". We got to know each other, but this is the main point of my whole story: I wasn't acting flirty at all towards him. I was just acting like a friend. Guys don't really like girls that just seem desperate or too out there. It shows that you are easy or don't want a long term relationship. By this time, I figured he wouldn't even like me at all like that since I had no luck in the past. We hung out multiple times, at the mall, parks, and my friend's house in particular. He brought his friend with, so us four were just watching a movie. When his mom called him and said that she was there to pick them up, his friend and my friend went outside while he stayed with me in the house. I told him that he should probably go so his mom wouldn't get mad, and he said that he forgot something. He walked towards me and kissed me! I was so shocked and embarrassed that I almost pushed him down the stairs saying that he had to go. After I heard him close the front door, I laid on the stairs and banged my head on the floor. My friend came back and saw me and was super confused, and when I told her what I did, she just started laughing at me! Me and my boyfriend still laugh about it to this day, but he said that he thought it was cute because I clearly wasn't expecting it.
The moral of the story is that guys like a challenge, but don't purposely try to make a guy jealous or play too hard to get. Guys get really sick of it after a while. Make them chase you, but don't make them run a 5k to get to you ;]
I'm actually a really good person to ask advice to because I've been through a lot of tough situations. So if you are stuck in a pickle, or want a second opinion on something, feel free to ask me :] I'm all ears....errr eyes haha
Stay Classy,
September 19th, 2010 at 10:04am