Divorce, Home Alone, Mattress!!

It's too early in the morning... 11:58am. Not really, but, I still feel like it is. I get to chill out at home for a while, my dad's going out to get drunk again, and my hunny had to go out to Cowan to see his mom and little brother. His mom informed us yesterday that she left his dad. It's weird now... He keeps on saying he's totally fine with it, so why then did he start studdering when he tried to tell my dad what happened when he asked. I remember when my parents got divorced... It took me a long time to get over it, but then again my parent's divorce was much more violent, and anger-filled. So anyways, I have to work today... Before I do that I should probably clean out underneath our bed... It's pretty damn scary under there. We need to clean it because we bought a new bed yesterday, thank god, I'm sick of these stupid springs continually poking me and Riley in the back. It's Queen size too, yay. But anyways, I'd better be going, I need to get ready for work....
September 25th, 2010 at 07:06pm