so i'm ill... again..

I'm trying to get my homework done right now. And when I say I'm trying... I mean that I've got my bag next to me with my homework in it and that's basically it, I really don't have the motivation right now to do anything except things I want to.
But I will do it today, at some point.

Oh, I might try some personal persuasion, you WILL do your homework or else you won't be allowed to go on your laptop tonight! No. I don't want any arguments. Do your homework. NOW.

I can be pretty firm when I want to *proud smile*

Right so lets get down to business.
My stories? Well basically I'm too god damn busy to do anything -_- I haven't had a weekend off since... actually I don't even remember. I just don't have the time to do anything, because I'm either super busy or being really lazy and just not doing anything... (I really need to sort out my priorities :/ )

So I'm ill today and not at school so I thought I'd get myself better and catch up on my homework. Then I'm off to work in the afternoon and getting me some money, Perfect!

You know, I blame this stupid cold wet weather. Because of it I'm going to be ill 24/7.
God, I hate winter... (and it isn't even winter yet! It's the beginning of autumn! might as well be winter though!)

Sorry for the rant.
but it's halloween soon! YAY.
September 27th, 2010 at 01:08pm