blame the sun.

screw you myspace for taking forever to let me talk to my boyfriend.

screw you hot weather for making me feel so weak and irritated.

screw my curly hair for making me feel like the whole world is staring at how gross it looks.

screw you flat iron for having me addicted to straightening my hair and making me feel self conscious when i have to leave it curly now.

screw you ms. banks for mistaking your u.s. history class for some AP class that i never signed up for.

screw you AC for defeating the purpose of making my room cooler.

screw you school for making me dedicate 95% of my day to you.

screw you mr. bias for ruining my math education. the only thing that i was ever good at.

screw whoever made me retake algebra in 9th grade when it was my best subject in middle school.

screw my shyness for never fixing that and now having to be behind in math.

screw you SAT's for making me feel so stupid.

screw you hours for never giving me enough time with my boyfriend.

screw you backpacking trip for already making me feel weak when i haven't even gone yet and possibly separating me and my boyfriend for the next 4-7 days.

screw you high school for making me so stressed and paranoid about my future.

screw you echs for being nothing but a bunch of hypocrites.

screw you college for pressuring me into being a perfect and well rounded high school student.

screw my negative and hopeless attitude for making me feel so annoyed.
September 28th, 2010 at 06:56am