<--- Is No0b

Ok, Mah first entry. I don't know why im writing it , don't care either. I really don't think I would be one of the people to try and write something like this doesn't seem like me. Mainly Cause I Can barely spell. Aint so much of a person who knows how to write or express there thoughts threw words But maybe a few ways to turn heads threw Quotes or whatever these are I think there quotes correct me if im wrong.

I believe that Actions speak louder then words -- something I hear like everywhere not to take credit from the quote or anything just putting that there incase i get sued

I believe That a good leader inspires by example but Brutal violence blood and gore will work just as well and even better in some situations--- Took that from Overlord 2 ( great game by the way one of the B-Games no one would expect to be worth playing)

And whoever said the pen is more powerful then the sword never met the automatic-weapon
-- And I got that from one of the Cods ( I think it was Cod 4 Or MW2 if anyone knows tell me cause seriously this is gonna bug me for the rest of the month. Id go find out but my friends barrowing Cod4 and Hasent given it back yet We passed his house 2 DAMN TIMES and he didin't want to give it back because of some stupid reason like walking in on His mom and her new boyfriend *@7$ing or somthing. I mean Come on! he took back his shit. Does anyone ever have that situation where there friend barrows a game then you go on live and everyones playing it and your like FUCK! now I really want to play it and then when you do get it back no one wants to play so your like wow I just really got screwed over. Or when Everyone buys a new game but your the only one who thinks it looks like shit even after all the game play and crap you wacthed about it so you dont buy it then actully play it and figure out that its godly and you got to wait ten years intell everyone gets board of it.

Anyways that was just meant to be a quote but I kind of lost track Oh ya if anyone who bothers reading this wonders why a Guy like me made an Account here it was because of one of my friends who writes on this site ( shes pretty damn good in my opinion) So ya... Im about done...
October 1st, 2010 at 01:55am