Okay You Need To Put Your Clothes Back On... (+ Questions)

Oh jeez that was something my poor eyes didn’t need to witness.

I come into the kitchen and my dad’s just sitting down eating some cookies… with his shirt off.
I don’t like seeing my out of shape parents half dressed. Like I’m sorry but just ew.

Also the people in my neighborhood are mostly old… and when it’s the summer I see a lot of elderly half dressed men mowing their front lawns. Ok like you know its bad when your man boobs are just as saggy as your wife’s…
Not trying to be rude, but you need to go put your clothes back on.

On another topic, I’m getting my eyebrow pierced on Friday! WOO HOO finally.
I’m really excited though.
I think it will look pretty good I don’t care if it hurts… it probably wont that’s what all my friends are telling me.
(The ones who have it done that is.)


1.)Do you get grossed out when you see your parents half dressed?
2.)Do you have any piercings?
3.)How was your day?
October 6th, 2010 at 01:06am