What is the name of a fic on Mibba..? PLEASE help mee!

So, there's this fic on mibba, called like something ".. Dark" or something, and it's about a girl who gets kidnapped (along with a prince, James) and they get taken underground to a cave in Tasmania or something.. ? and told to fightt? What's it called, i'd LOVE to readd it again! best story i've ever readd! I looked absolutely brilliant, i think, think think there was somethingg about .. ermm, a tasmanian devil? or something? and that's how they knew where they were, and they found and escape and they were kept in little underground cells/caves, and there was a pefvy guy there, and a guy with an epic bedroom, and the cook/doctor or something was SUPER nice! <3
October 8th, 2010 at 10:55pm