My Stick of Dynamite

Here is what I know now that I didn't know before, and how/why I'm going to change. This is my vision.

My life is filled with stress. It comes from all directions; my mom, school, friends myself. It drags me down to a level that no one ever deserves to be at, and I definitely hate being there. The stress hurts, causing me to sink into a depression most of the time. No one likes being around a downer.

This is my vision. I didn't realize until recently how much my stress and depression was effecting the people around me. Sometimes I would lash out without even realizing what I'd done; that I'd hurt someone close to me. It wasn't until recently that I noticed what was goin gon. I lost the person closest to me, a person I love very much, due to my own selfish carelessness. I want to get her back.

I'm going to be honest. I'm going to be happy. I'm going to be the best daughter/student/friend/self I can be. I'm not going to drag the people around me down, too. They don't deserve that. I'm going to put their happiness above my own. Because that's what they deserve.

(This is a short essay I had to write for my Careers and Lifestyles class.)
October 12th, 2010 at 11:28pm