
I do not appreciate people sending me hate messages, because a couple of my facts are wrong about the Twilight Saga. I know some people are Twi-Hards, but that does not mean you have to jump on my case because you don't think I am portraying your favorite character the wrong way.

Too Proud To Breathe is a Fan-Fiction. I can portray the characters however I'd like. If you don't like it, don't read it.

I had gotten multiple messages from people that are not content with my stories or my respnoses, so I decided to take a little hiatus from the website. I am currently feeling a little bit better about this, but I am still not happy. I know I have a few haters, but please, if you don't like it, don't read it or don't comment on it. I don't mind constructive criticism, but I HATE when people are just being spiteful.

I do have a lot of dedicated readers that had to suffer, because of the haters, and I am super sorry about this. I am definitely going to try to update more often. I wanted to thank all 284 of you that are sticking with this story. I appreciate it mucho and love all of you guys. (:

Just thought you guys deserved an explanation.....
Thanks again readers, you make me. (:
October 18th, 2010 at 01:56am