NaNoWriMo anyone?

Hi there!

I have some things I would like to share with everyone. They're probably not interesting, but, I like them. :) Also, some questions.... if you want to answer. I'm interested!

1. I am going as a Pikachu for Halloween! I'm absolutely stoked, I cannot wait, simply because we're finally getting a whole group out, and we're all dressing as someone from Pokemon. (I was Misty until someone notified me my good ginger friend was indeed taking that role. ]: ) I feel sorry for my other friends though, I'm ditching them on Halloween. D'aww.

2. It's nearing upon my friends birthday, and someone has made her a mini TARDIS out of clay! I'm helping paint it, and we're both giving her it. We're also making her an 'Eat Me' cake, like the one from Alice in Wonderland, since she's obsessed.

3. I got threatened to be kicked off the school ski trip in 2k11, as my silly father hasn't paid the correct amount of money. Gotta love him, sometimes. /sarcasm

4. Also! I'm participating in National Novel Writing Month in November! I think! Well, I want to, and have made a page, but I have no idea how I am going to do it, what with school and the talent show and general procrastinating. I shall dedicate myself to it.


1. How are you this fine day/evening/night?
2. What are you doing for Halloween? (Gosh, I'm so immature. It's fun.)
3. Are you doing NaNoWriMo?

c: Au revoir.
October 18th, 2010 at 07:53pm