So it has been awhile

It's been literally forever since I've been on here. I haven't written anything on my own for almost ever, and it's mostly been all for my English IV class that I've been writing. But my ever so amazing teacher gave me an assignment when he was absent once, and it was the best idea I've ever seen! So, you guys can look forward to an awesome (if you believe it is) contest coming from me soon!

I'm going to attempt this weekend, or maybe next because today I might get the Sims 3 Ambitions (yes I'm a dork, I KNOW) and play all weekend, but I'll definitely attempt to get some of those chapter stories back out and going again! High school is a lot of work sometimes you guys, but I do thank my subscribers for being so patient with me (:


Please don't unsubscribe to my stories because I haven't written in a long time, only if you don't like them anymore. BUT if you really think it takes forever go ahead, but a lot of awesome ideas will be coming up soon! I PROMISE!!!

- Lots of love for my fans,
October 30th, 2010 at 04:54pm