I think - THINK - I'm going to give writing a spoof a shot.

I have no idea why, but I really wanna give it a try. (: I just had this idea, going through the Things You Hate To See in Stories thread (people mostly complain about the long-named scene girls), and got this spark of inspiration I wanna work with.

I mean, I know we have those "Omg i totes fell in luv w/ my stepbrother WHY DID MOM HAVE TO MARRY HIS DAD?!?!!!?1?1/1?1!!!!!!" stories, but I haven't seen one with two teenage girls - one who's really hardcore scene, with the teased hair and raccoon eyes, and another who's, like, obsessed with grades and shy - and it could be told from the more... down to earth girl's point of view.

I think I'm going to call it Stuck on the Moon or something. Maybe Living in a Cliche. Something along those lines, but I'm going to go start working on it. :D EEP!

(I'll do questions, this time)


1. Have you ever read/wrote a spoof? If so, about what?

2. How are you? XD

3. Story recommendations?
November 2nd, 2010 at 07:09pm