Burned down the torches of love with insanity.

Did you ever feel like you've just ruined everything? Ruined the most important part of your life? Ruined it so much that you feel that you might as well just forget about your happiness? I did. Until it all came back to me, but with a catch. Basically, after a year and a month of being happy, i panicked! It struck me that somewhere in my perfect world something would go wrong, and my happiness would be taken away. This was were my insanity snuck in to completely ruin my life. (And yes, i plead insanity) This is where i said to myself, i cannot let this happen and instead of fighting this curse of failure, i backed down and ruined it all by myself. It was not until a month later, when i took comfort in the most vicious of creatures, clawing his way through peoples' misery. I know that i shouldn't blame his insensativity, it's my stupid mistake but that one small thing ruined over a year of unconventional love. Some may say it's sorted now, that my sins have been forgiven. But i doubt this is the case. Although that level of love is back, there's still the thought that one day my touch of insanity will come back to haunt me. I am a big believer of 'learn from your mistakes' but never of 'forgive and forget'. I hope that this doubt won't drive me to leave my happiness behind once again, in an attempt to save that significant other.
November 10th, 2010 at 12:34am