New drabble, updated Isobel, Scott Pilgrim, and a few other things I feel the need the journal about.

The new drabble is called Ribbons, and it just sort of happened today.

I can't really summarize it, but yeah.

And yesterday night, I actually updated one of my chaptered stories! Yes, it's true! It was Isobel which I want a banner for so I can make a pretty layout. Because I don't care for the one there now.


Anyways, I finally watched Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World after ten thousand years of wanting to see it. It was great, I really liked it.

Michael Cera is cute. Ramona Flowers was awesome. The music was pretty good, too. And I'm not sure if you guys know this, but music is a really big part of my life. I take it very seriously, I'd love to be making music someday.

I don't want the new year to come, because:
A) I can't write the correct friggin' year and
B) My birthday is in April.

I don't want to be fifteen. It feels much too close to eighteen, you know? I know there's quite a while to go, but I can't help thinking about it.

But time is, unfortunately, something I cannot stop.


I guess I lied about the few other things, I don't remember them now.


722) What are you craving?
November 12th, 2010 at 03:56am