
Okay, I'm trying this again.

I thought I would delete my old posts, but I figured I'd keep them for a bit and then delete all of them at once, like pulling off a band-aid.

Well, I'm now officially in college. I have been for a few months now.
I need to change my personal information on my profile : x
Honestly college is definately not all it's cracked up to be.
First, in high school they tell you it's crazy hard and no one will help you and you'll be all on your own. They basically try to scare the shit out of you.
Everything they tell you isn't even true.
Second, the classes are exactly like high school except better. You don't always have to show up, and the first two years or so it's pretty much review of everything you've already learned in high school..
So seriously people,stop freaking out.
It's not that big of a deal.
Go to a community college and save thirty plus effing dollars is my bit of advice.
People think there's something wrong with community colleges but newsflash: you're learning the same shit for less money.
It's win win.
Society is stupid.

Actually better yet, don't go to college.
Don't waste the money.
Use the processes of divergent thinking, which many people get beaten out of them by twelve years in the education system, and invent things or come up with ideas that will better the human race!

For example, think of how many different things you could do with one paperclip...

Did you even think of making it out of flexible rubber and twenty feet tall?
I didn't think so.

God I'm so sick of society.
I'm sick of people.

The end.
November 13th, 2010 at 05:04am