
1.I never make a promise I don’t fully intend to keep.
2.I'm terribly scared to grow up, it's silly.
3.I cry every time I watch titanic.
4.I can honestly say, I am in love.
5.I'm scared that if reincarnation is true, i might come back as a butterfly and die in a week.
6.I can never say things the way i really want too.
7.Art has changed my life
8.I worship the smiths.
9. I'm lying when I say I dont hold grudges.
10. I really wish I was a mermaid
11.I'm afraid of the dark
12. I'm terrified of being..average.
13.I hate that feeling. The feeling when you’re sad, but you have no idea why. You just are. And in your mind, you’re thinking of all the bad things in your life and apply it to your emotions, making you even more sad. Then people ask you what’s wrong and you have nothing to say. You end up, sitting there, quiet.
14.I dont like borrowing clothe,im scared something might happen to it.
15.My dog creeps up in my bed every night and cuddles with me
16.I wish I had a better name
17.I hate watching those animal commercials, they mess with your brain.
18.Before I die I want to publish a book
19.I want to grow old with the person i married, without ever falling out of love.
20.Have I told you Im in love? I did? Well then... :)
November 16th, 2010 at 07:40pm