This is a youtube comment on Jessi Slaughter or whatever.

You know, I don't usually leave hate comments. But this video.. It's pathetic. She's only eleven and she's deluded herself into thinking she's so "awesome". From what I've seen, she's just another kid that thinks she's cool. I'm not saying it's okay to hate on her, but she needs to learn some real humility. Honestly, she needs to work on her grammar as well. And also, her parents are enabling her feeble little FANTASIES. I had to beg, plead, and cry at my parents just to get my lip done, and they said no. I had to wait until I came of age to do it because a real parent shouldn't spoil their kids. Personally, if your kid wants their lip done, wait a few years and see if they still want it, because later on they may regret it. I feel bad for this girl, she's only eleven, and her life is already fucked all to hell. And most of it isn't all her fault, part of it is media and her parents. The only way I was even close to able to get a webcam was because I tricked my parents and I went and lost it. But to the point. What kind of parent lets their kid do stuff like this? If you're gonna hate on someone, don't just hate on her, hate on her parents for enabling her. Also, if she has such a “Perfect” boyfriend or boyfriends, why aren’t THEY the ones screaming at haters for hating on her? Honestly, she’s an attention whore, nothing more, and her parents are going along with it and letting her be one. If you’re getting death threats in comments, don’t make a video showing yourself crying. You make yourself look even more pathetic. It just seems to me like she’s being a deluded child that has no clue about life. And news people, giving her more attention is an idiotic idea because you enable her to make more idiotic videos like this. You’re not helping her, you’re encouraging her to continue acting like a spoiled little idiot. That’s really all I have to say on this matter.

If this is too mean, I'm sorry, but everything I say in it is true.
November 24th, 2010 at 03:39pm