Housemaid Today, Fat Pig Tomorrow ;)

Hey, all...not sure if anyone's gonna read this, but I'm bored and frustrated and I really feel like writing right now.

So, Thanksgiving's our house. We've literally spend the entire day's a wonder I had enough time to sneak up to my room and do this journal entry, haha. I hate hosting Thanksgiving because we don't do anything but clean from two weeks prior. Honestly, I'd rather just have a small family Thanksgiving by ourselves rather than invite everybody and have to waste our Thanksgiving break. And my family gets so crazy about it. I mean, honestly, I don't think anyone's gonna care if our windows aren't spotless and our blinds aren't dusted. I think they'll be preoccupied with stuffing themselves till they burst.

Speaking of which, at least I'll get to eat tomorrow. ;) I don't ever get to pig out like I do on Thanksgiving.

Don't get me wrong, I love Thanksgiviving and I really do have so much to be thankful for...I'm EXTREMELY blessed. And when I say extremely, I mean extremely, extremely, extremely blessed. Honestly, I'm so much better off than a lot of people and sometimes I forget that. It's just it's a lot of pressure for one holiday.

Anyway...that's basically it. OH! Also. One last thing.

I'm starting a new story. I mean, I only have two up right now, but it's not a short story like those. I know the people who commented on my first story will look forward to that. ;) Yeah, but, I wanted to see if anybody liked the plot line.

I've written a short description because I wanted to get the plot straight for myself before I started writing it. So, here it is. The title is Barefoot Angel.

Ellie Pennington has lived by the beach her entire life. The ocean has become a part of her: there hasn’t been a day in the past three years she hasn’t woken up and seen the sun rising over the glistening blue water, not a moment that she hasn’t taken a breath and reveled in that sweet, salty ocean smell. And she can’t remember the last time she wore shoes.
Jonah Jackson has never stayed one place for long. He’s lived in seven different states, thirteen different houses, and has yet to stumble upon that one place that feels like home. He hasn’t learned how to trust, hasn’t learned how to love...but when his father sends him to Cedar Beach, North Carolina, to spend the summer with his older brother, Ellie just might have to be his saving grace.

So, what do you think? Would you read it? Please let me know because it'd be nice to have some support while I'm writing it. ;)

I've got to go...hopefully people will actually read this and comment. It would make my day...
November 24th, 2010 at 09:31pm