Pokemon Puzzles, Pool, and Playlists

I don't remember much from the first half of my day, besides going into town with my good buddy Mikey and buying a candle. (From a store my friend was working at! I had totally forgotten that she worked Sundays there.) I wanted to get a ring from this other store, but they were too expensive! Why does that always happen??

Later we went back to my house and basically did nothing. His dad called him about coming home, and somehow I was invited to dinner. It was black bean soup that Mikey hates, and when I saw it, I didn't want to eat it. But I did, and it was good.

After dinner, we basically hung out, checked our Facebooks and Mibbas, and I then had the brilliant idea to play pool. He brought down his laptop and we danced with our butts. It was a momentous occasion, and we're thinking about making a music video. Haha! He won about four out of the five games we played, so we were all "pool-ed" out. After 15 minutes of sitting around, we went through his game closet and found the Pokemon Puzzle. That's what we did for 40 minutes. It was pretty great.

So. Questions.
1. Do like Pool? Puzzles?
2. What's your favorite food?
3. Was this journal as annoying as I thought it was?
November 29th, 2010 at 03:44am