I swear, my subconscious thinks crazy things.

So in my dream last night, I was Vincent from FFVII, and it was around the time of the end half of Crisis Core, so all these ShinRa dudes were running around trying to kill Zack, and I was trying to save him. But I didn’t, so they killed him inside this concrete tunnel thing, but it like, brought upon the end of the world. So there’s all this lava and shit flowing everywhere, so I grabbed Tifa (don’t ask where she came from, I haven’t the slightest idea), and we were like, running from the lava. But we got all surrounded so we found this well to hide inside of until the end of the world stopped, and got the lid on it like five seconds before the lava came.

So we were in there like a month, and I was like freaking out, because I didn’t actually like Tifa all that much, and she was like, “Oh, Vincent you’re so smart/handsome/awesome.” And I was like, “BITCH PLS.”

So we opened the lid and went outside, and it randomly fastforwarded to us being randomly in Wutai, and we were at a gift shop. But some (random nameless)Turks saw us and randomly started shooting at us and then this old lady killed them.

And then I woke up like wtf.
November 29th, 2010 at 04:05am