I just want to say thank you

I want to thank everyone who has helped get started on the right path. I also want to say that i feel very loved because most of you wrote me back on my entries.
It just makes me feel so loved.
Well, I had a great Thanksgiving and I hoped everyone did too and now we will resume our everyday school life for the next month untill Christmas break.
(Mine is two weeks long but i want to hear what your guys' plans might be).
Maybe you are going to spend it with someone special or just with family.
OMG I have big index cards then Small index cards so it looks like the big ones had babies!
I love babies they are so cute but once you turn five and get an attitude then i don't like you anymore.
Ha sorry i got off topic. ADD......*sigh*
So what's new?
December 1st, 2010 at 01:43pm