Identity (rant)

What is identity? According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, identity is individuality. Everyone on this earth is not exactly a unique individual, this is known. People have similar interests, but no one is EXACTLY alike. So when a person is said to “look up” to someone, or have “similar” interests, even if they don’t, what is this considered?
Identity theft is the illegal use of someone else’s personal information to obtain money or credit. Could it not also be considered when someone is trying too hard to be like someone else? Younger siblings will often times do this. When the oldest goes off to college, even if temporarily moving out for a few months, the younger thinks that they can take whatever they want and push the oldest out of the picture. It’s as if they never existed. They may look alike, or have some similar interests, but they aren’t. They are unique. They are individuals. They each have their own identity. The younger starts trying to dress like the other, listening to the same music, and taking the same interests, even if they do not even like it, they do it because they are trying to BE that person.
One bedroom (that of the oldest) is being snuck into, their stuff stolen without their notice, and the younger starts trying to even decorate their room the same way, such as using posters for wallpaper. When the oldest notices what is going on, she may bring this subject up to her parents. Of course she is “proven” to be wrong, when she isn’t. They parental usually show favoritism towards the younger. The younger is seen to be the “perfect one who can do no wrong.” No matter if the youngest is in the wrong or not, the parents don’t care.
They treat the baby better than the one who is actually trying to make a life for herself by going to school to be something. The other is an adolescent who is 15 and “in love” with a boy 3 years older than herself and can’t wait to spend the rest of her life with him. This shows her stupidity. Her parents like the guy, even though he obviously has some issues, and treats him with respect and let the girl do what she wants to do. The oldest is also dating a guy 3 years older, but the parents get mad when she isn’t home early, no matter that she is 20 years of age. He is treated with respect, but not liked as well because he doesn’t visit the house near as much, even though he lives farther away than the latter and works everyday for 9 hours at a time at a grueling job. Not to mention the house is on top of a ridge in the middle of nowhere. No, it’s the girl who will throw away her dreams for a boy and not worry about anything else. It’s the girl who doesn’t deserve to be treated with respect that will be given everything she wants in life.
Back to identity, the oldest like hard rock music, working on cars, being girly on occasions, and reading books. The youngest prefers country music, talking on the phone, texting, softball, and looking like a boy most of the time. What happens, as soon as the oldest starts showing interest in a certain subject, so does the youngest. The older one will be out helping her father with the racecar, the youngest will come out there and show interest so the oldest is moved out of the way so the younger can be taught. It’s not fair. Other than the two girls, there is also an even younger boy. The boy will want to hunt or work on vehicles with the father, the youngest girl shows interest and won’t let the boy participate. It’s utterly preposterous. She needs to be shown that she’s not anyone else like she tries to act. She is a spoiled little brat. Everyone has always shown her favoritism because she is the middle child. They fear her developing “middle child syndrome” where the middle child is often forgotten and the oldest and youngest are shown more attention. In this case, it’s the exact opposite. The middle child is getting all the attention and no one notices the youngest or oldest. One side of the family is mainly neutral, but the other has always wanted something to do with the middle child.
The family will call/text the middle child to see if she wants to come over their house and stay over fall break or some other school holiday. She tells lies that the others are mean to her, even though they avoid her because of her being the favorite. Reason being why these lies are thought to be the truth.

This is based on true events.
December 3rd, 2010 at 04:13am