
Has anyone ever thought about what they want their future to be? This is a question that should be asked to everyone that’s wants to be something big in their life. I always wanted to be on the road that would lead me to the greatest places. I’m fifteen and I just realized that the place that makes me the happiest is at home surrounded by my WHOLE family. To be surrounded by the people that love you and do not wish anything to happen to you is a blessing. Well at least to me it is a blessing, and a great one at that. Most kids at my age would rather be at the mall or at the movies than be at home safe and with their loving families. My friends think that I am crazy because I love hanging out with my grandma. They ask such stupid question because they do not know how AMAZING my grandmother is. She is super funny and she will always make you have a smile on your face. Another female figure that is very important to me is my mother. She is my inspiration in my everyday life. She has been with me through thick and thin. She is practically my sister. It’s ironic because when we go to the store, the people that attend us think that we are like twin sister. She understands all my teenage problems and is always there for me. I love her with all my heart and I hope that she knows that. She is the best. I feel so lucky that I can to spend every day with such an a wonderful women. I could never ask God for a better mother than the one that I have because a better mother than the one that I have there is no such thing. She believes in me 100% and I feel so whole when I am around her. I also feel like I have the power to do anything that I want to do and not worry that just because I have a smaller hand that I can’t do the thing that I want to do. This makes me feel so powerful. People ask me, “Who is your best friend?” Well to answer your question my best friend happens to be my mother and if you think that this is weird, well you can get lost because she is the best. I love you mom!!!
December 17th, 2010 at 11:35pm