It's been 15 hours. [[breaking news update]]

So this is just a quick follow up to yesterdays text message (which if you haven't read about the long story short is I sent the dude I've liked four two years a text and told him how I felt)

Anyways he hasn't answered me yet.

That's not surprising at all, especially knowing him.

I knew he didn't like me I was just sick of hiding it and lying to him all the time.

Oh well the person he likes is abitch not a nice person. He's asked her out four times and she always laughs in his face before saying "ew no." and walking away.

She just leads him on, pretending to like him until he asks her out and then she goes and acts like a b*tch for another week before leading him on again.

He falls for it every single f*cking time.

I hate her [/notjustcauseIlikehim'causeshesab*tch]

Anyways it's been over fifteen hours and still haven't got a reply.

Probably not going to get one. Oh well. I still need to swing by his house later today and get some CD's that i want to buy off of him (Bat Out Of Hell & Return To Hell by Meatloaf for $15)

How awkward do you think it's going to be?

Haha. It's going to be awkward for him not for me. I don't care, I've had my entire personal life spread across my junior high so this should be a piece of cake.

Any words of advice/cheering up would be nice because I'll be honest, the fact that he hasn't answered is like a knife through the heart.

December 18th, 2010 at 06:22pm