Allow Me To Introduce Myself.

Hi. I'm Martena. I'm a rare teenaged girl. No, it's not because I have natural dark hair and blue eyes. No, it's not because I play saxophone and piano. No, it's not because I'm considered "punk", yet I'm in love with a pair of pink cowboy boots from Cabela's. You want to know why? It's because I'm 15 years old and a virgin.

Did I get your attention? I sure hope so. I am honestly disgusted with girls these days. I don't know where anyone reading this comes from, but I come from a small town in southern Ohio where if you haven't had sex, you sure are something special. Maybe I should explain. There are 350 students total in my school. We're considered a "hick town" but the kids vary in lifestyle, fashion, and music. One thing a lot of our girls have in common is they are no longer virgins. Our boys are a different story because most are either gamers or make a living on a farm. I feel like I'm generalizing my school, and I know I shouldn't, they're my peers. But if you came to my school, you would find non-virgins. My group of friends, which has a population of about... 4 girls and 5 boys, are all virgins except one boy. Please allow me to vent now. The one non-virgin boy is my boyfriend. Who had sex with a childhood friend of mine when he was only in a relationship with her for 6 months. The girl and I are no longer friends for different reasons other than the fact that she and Joel had sex.

I don't think kids my age realize what they do to any future relationship they might have when they have sex. It hurts so bad when I look at Joel and know he had sex with her. I can't help but like him because of who he is, though. He totally regrets ever being with her and says he's over her. The point is, Joel and I will never be what we could have been if he was a virgin. My mom doesn't really approve of him because she knows his past and my mom is my best friend. That's a huge dilemma in Joel and I's relationship. I don't want anyone to have to suffer through what I go through every time I simply give Joel a kiss. We aren't even serious enough to say we're in a relationship, and it still just eats away at me. I face this girl every day, for crying out loud. And the girl, now she's just a lost cause. She had sex with Joel and now she wants to sleep with everyone. I'm sure I've said something about a boy named Wade on here before. He and I dated all through out 2009 on and off, and now we're best friends. We could never be anything more. Now this girl is trying to sleep with him and he doesn't know what to do. She doesn't want a relationship and she doesn't want feelings between them, she just wants him. She's basically an addict and she's 16! I'm disgusted when I see her. I'm disgusted when I see other people who aren't virgins. It's like... a disease that can't be cured. You have sex when you're a teen and you can't be healed.

I don't think I'm making much sense because my mind is racing with words and thoughts that my fingers just can't type down quick enough. I just want anyone who happens to read this to please just save people from hurt. Every time I think of Joel and that girl, I cry. I don't know if it's because I'm just being weak, or if everyone feels it, but no one, I mean no one, deserves this.

Thank you for reading.
December 19th, 2010 at 03:07am