Close-minded people on here.

Tolerance is tolerance. It infuriates me day after day seeing people that are so hypocritical, especially on this site. Especially here where people claim to be open-minded and accepting- it’s ridiculous.

I saw a post the other day where people were tearing down homophobes- saying they weren’t human. Because it’s going to be said, I’m not a homophobe. I completely support gay marriage, and I’ve presented speeches on it. They say homophobes are close-minded, and they say they’re wrong. They refuse to see the other side of it. Gays hating homophobes for their beliefs is just as bad as homophobes hating gays as long as both sides can be respectful about it. I’ve seen interviews where people that protest very neatly say why- there ARE logical views on both sides, and not all homophobes hate gays. In this interview, the women cried, saying she doesn’t hate them- she loves everyone, as God wants her to. She loves them all. Of course, if either side (gays or homophobes) becomes disrespectful about it, it’s not solving problems to become rude. Hate and intolerance is a cycle, and by continuing it, you’re working towards the one thing you hate most of all- not having equal rights. Respect is the thing that can break the cycle.

Let’s try looking at it from this angle. Gays tend to think of homophobes as intolerant, prejudiced, and hateful. They say everyone should believe in equal rights. Homophobes tend to be religious, though this isn’t always the case. They think that being gay is a sin (but still love the sinner). Many believe if they legalize gay marriage, this will open the door to all types of relationships such as incest. Both sides think the other is wrong. Both sides think the other is wrong. Resorting to rude and disgusting behavior isn’t going to solve the problem. People that call themselves tolerant hate groups such as homophobes, and no matter what side of any issue you’re on, not being able to listen respectfully to the other time IS close mindedness. It’s hard respecting the group that thinks you’re wrong and I understand that, but it’s something you need to adopt to be able to live in this world. Everyone has their opinions and just because you believe in yours doesn’t make them right. You can deal with that or die trying to force people to believe you do.

Nazis are another one of the most hated groups in the world. I don’t support them or believe in anything they did. But I don’t hate them, and I never will. They were a group of people with their own beliefs- many of them thought the things they were doing would save their country and in return save the world. Just because you agree doesn’t make them wrong. Just because they believed in what they did, doesn’t make them right in the slightest bit. Everything goes both ways.

Tolerance doesn’t mean you’re just tolerant of the people that believe what they do-it means being able to look at both sides of the story. I’m not bashing being intolerant, but you should be able to own up to it. It would make the world a better place. It’s wrong for Atheists to hate Christians and it’s wrong for Christians to hate Atheists. It’s wrong for Democrats to hate Republicans and it’s wrong for Republicans to hate Democrats. It’s wrong for the world to hate Nazis and Nazis to hate the world. It’s wrong for America to hate Muslims (though that needs a topic of its own). End the cycle of hate and be the tolerant people you claim to be- I dare you.

Go ahead and debate with this, please. That’s what I’m here for.
December 20th, 2010 at 08:46pm