James 'The Rev' Sullivan RIP

In 7 days, it will be a year...that man had no reason to go. God just needed a rock band I guess...
He was full of energy,kindness,smarts.Jimmy was an idol,son,best friend,lover,and brother.

I don't think anyone could ever say one mean or bad thing about him.His personality made him loved,his musical ability and skills made him respected.He is watching down on us,proud,listening to his brothers play their music he was so passionate about...

His voice will be heard foREVER,his music will live on foREVer,he will foREVer be a legend.

I think I was the most torn up about his passing than my other friends,I respected him,I wanted to be like him,live the carefree life he did.Never letting what others did or say affect him,bringing up every sad,down spirit with humor,smiles and his kind touch.

Many people tell stories of when he was alive,even if they had just met him once at a concert,they tell about how kind he was and how his personality brightened everything up.There are also some stories of some very special and deserving people who were visited by him after his passing...I want to know any of your stories,leave it in the comment box or feel free to send a message telling me of when you encounted Jimmy.

Thank you,Sami.
December 21st, 2010 at 09:16pm