look at the time

.... the clock just hit half midnight i am not tyerd but its less than 12 hours before i see my posin rose (kadie) cant waite....

todays happenings, i did face paintig with my 19 year old friend and hs made my look like an old man :D i mabe her look like a baboon haha it was fun there was pelnnty photos took and with out no dobut she has posted them on facebook :D and taged me in them lol, i had a 2 munite relationship with this lad to anoy my friend but we knew he was going to try it so we og t on up on him now he thinks i like him im sorry but i have never met him part from photos and talking on ciber space :D

tomorrows plans........well i am going to kaides again yay make up time where trying diffrent ways of putting make up on see which style sutes us best :D hope it gose well i dotn want to look like an idoit :D but their is nothing new there at all :D mwhaha

hope to speek soon xx please comment and ask questions. i like questions :D
December 30th, 2010 at 01:42am