Awkward Night Out!

First of all, I don't even know how to write this without sounding stupid or weird.

I went out to a party at a club then I started dancing with this dude, at first he got all emotional when he was dancing with me like we were dating or something. But I decided to brush that off seeing we were in a club and all.

WEIRD PART-------> We were still dancing when I felt his teeth on my neck. It didn't sink in or something like that, like he bit me or something.

I didn't back away because I didn't want to attract attention and stuff but my eyes were wide open as he did that. I tried to signal my friend for help to get me away from there but he asked me if I was tired and I gladly said yes.

He followed me to my seat though and started asking me questions but I didn't give him personal information. It was just so awkward. I had to leave there fast.

When I got home, my neck kind of started hurting a bit. Like a sting, but there was no mark or anything, according to my friend.

It's just really weird. Gosh!
January 22nd, 2011 at 03:24am