Footloose Cast List ponderings

I'm new to this, but I just needed somewhere to post things I wrote (most of them personal thoughts from things that inspire me in life) and not have anyone I know ask me what's wrong. Sometimes we just have off days, or something reminds us of a painful memory, you know? So this is something from a few weeks ago that I needed to get out.
Sometimes-most of the time- the words fall from my brain through my arm to my pen, only to end up as ink strokes on the blue-lined white paper of my notebook. But not today. Today, the words aren't coming to me nearly as easy. Today, I have to search for the letters to form the words to form the sentences to form paragraphs. I'm not entirely sure why. Maybe it's because I was distracted; first by Carolina, then Logan. Maybe it's that stupid cast list hanging on the wall above me, screaming the words that everyone says as they read it: "I knew it!"

Well, duh. We've all been casting it in our minds since it was announced. Jose for Ren. Taylor for Ariel. Kwas for Willard. Ashley for Rusty. Not hating on them. At all. I'm thrilled. Really.

I dunno. I'm just feeling a little down. But I'll get to rehearsal, and it'll all be good.
"I wanna feel weightless, and that should be enough." -"Weightless", All Time Low
January 22nd, 2011 at 09:53pm