The things i don't really think about

The things I don't really think about
There’s a part of me that doesn’t want to let people in. That wants to be a mystery, but the fear of being alone always pervails and spills everything. I’m not the least bit mysterous, or diffrent, or unique. The more I think about people, the more un-unique I realize we all really are. Maybe not one person has all your qualities, but someone out there has part of your qualities and every part of you is a diffrent part in someone else. We are all just collogues of characteristics of everyone. There isn’t one person in the world that is completely alone in anything. I guess that that’s a blessing in disguise, right? No one truely wants to be alone, even if they do want to be diffrent.

What is diffrent? Diffrent could be normal somewhere else. So does that mean it’s still diffrent, or is it now normal? What if “diffrent” becomes in? Then you are the same, un-unique. Can someone ever REALLY be “diffrent”?
January 23rd, 2011 at 11:41pm