
I just read some of my first journal entry and I gotta say: wow, I sounded so depressed..
I don't feel as depressed as before.. But, I sound really bipolar.. I doubt I have a bipolar disorder, maybe I'm just emotional..

My friend is always having hormonal mood swings, but I've gotten used to it, and that shouldn't stop me from being friends with her. She can be a really sweet person.. "Can be" being the word there. But, I'm still buds with her, but sometimes I push her away because of the mood I was in.

I feel really irritated and agitated sometimes, and sometimes I do things I really wouldn't want to do.. I feel so self-conceited and it's just bothersome. So, I guess it's partially my fault she's kind of distant with me..
But, sometimes I feel the rush of adrenaline and I really don't know who/ what to take it out on, so I might accidentally rush out on some person who happens to be near me..
Oh great, now I feel like a loathsome monster, fantastic.

But, on the bright side:
I feel much more satisfied with myself. I strive to be perfect, but I learned something:
Nobody's perfect.
Everybody has flaws..
It's inhuman to not be scared or intimidated by something new/ strange to you.
It's inhuman to not pity something/someone.
(Not everyone likes to be pitied, but its human nature to be sad with someone/ thing that is less fortunate than you.)
It's inhuman to be perfect.

Now I'm not saying you have to have those feelings and more to be a human, those are some basic flaws. Emotional flaws. Then there's physical flaws..
What you look like on the outside shouldn't matter if you have a really good personality.

But then again:
It's inhuman to not be concerned with looks.
(We always fret with our looks, we want to look beautiful to show off to people, but there are some people who don't really care what they look like.)
I repeat: I'm not saying everybody has to be like that, it's just my opinion.
Black, white.
Ying, yang.
There's always gonna be people who are opposite and different. But, I thought I'd have a go on explaining things to myself, but I don't really mind if other people read it.
Meh, it's my personal issues, and I usually don't like explaining my problems to people, but nobody here really knows me, so it's not like I'd get uncomfortable or something..
It's been pretty supportive with your people's feedback.
So, I don't feel like the black sheep of the world.
'Stead, I feel better, thanks.
Merci beau coup!
(Thank you very much!)
Heh, guess my French skills weren't for nothing ;)
Ca va tres bien!

Merci, tu es très gentil. :)
I'm lazy, sorry.
Je m'excuse, je suis- sorry, I was kind of in the moment :p
Anyway, I hope to improve my social skills and stuff. Yeah.
February 1st, 2011 at 01:49am