Why should I have to defend my beliefs?//Comment swap

Is it not enough that I believe in them, and that they're important to me?

Now, I will admit that I'm agnostic and I believe in evolution...so if you came here for a theological argument, you aren't getting one. Sorry, no chance to bash an ignorant religion freak today. ::file:

Anyways, though...just because I believe in evolution doesn't mean I hate all creationists and regard them as stupid people.
It should never mean that.

Do I agree with them?

Most definitely not.

Do I feel the need to discredit their belief just because I don't believe it?


No, I don't. Let people be, guys...because it's not your job to change their minds. Maybe they're incredibly wrong, and you're incredibly right...but that doesn't matter. If you label everyone you disagree with on something as stupid, you're going to find that pretty soon, you'll have labeled everyone...and chances are, you won't be that loved.

If you post your views as a clear debate or article, then fine. I feel no sympathy for you then, because you shared your views with the intent to argue, and you can't freak out when people don't agree (However, generally, it's pretty rude/unhelpful to call someone you're debating stupid. Attack the idea, not the person.)

But if you don't...this is where this applies. Nobody likes to be told they're stupid, and people generally don't like being force converted. You yourself, would probably be annoyed if a someone of (a different) faith walked up to you, told you that your religion sucks and it's totally wrong...so don't do that to others.

My beliefs are my beliefs. And even if you don't agree with them, please don't label me as stupid because of them, or try to force convert me to your beliefs.

That is, quite simply, rude. I have a right to believe in whatever the h*ll I want, and so do you...so please extend that courtesy to everyone.
Thoughts? Also, I'm sneaking a comment swap in here ::shifty:

So, you get what you give, and I'd prefer original fiction. Any of my four newest stories (the top four excluding Teeth on my story page) are up for swapping. They're all drabbles/oneshots, so I'll only swap on other drabbles/oneshots, or one chapter of a story.
Comment below with what you commented, and what you want me to comment on :)
February 7th, 2011 at 03:07am