
People need to learn how to shut up. if they don't know all the facts then they shouldn't start talking crap about people they don't even know. Especially if they say they look up to that person or group of people. If you don't know the reason for something then keep your mouth closed and stop causing pain to those who just lost someone dear to them. Seriously y'all need to quit talking, you are not all-knowing so you don't know a persons motives for doing something, or even if they did it on purpose!!! Get a life and stop talking crap!!! Also, it doesn't matter who you are, you don't rag on someone for mourning someone that they grew up with. What would you do if someone started ragging you when one of your best friends, siblings, or parents died? how would you feel? I'm betting not to good, think of others before your mouth opens, or your fingers start typing. you are NOT the only person out there with feelings and you are NOT the only one who dislikes a certain person or group of people. but when that certain person or persons is in mourning show some respect. or better yet GET A LIFE and stop being an inconsiderate arschloch!!!!!!!!!!!!!
February 7th, 2011 at 06:11am