Dear current readers....

If you have been reading my stories I am really grateful, but as you can tell, I do not update as much as I probably should. I am trying to get about £500 together in 9 weeks so I can pay my brother what I owe him and buy a download ticket. So I spend most of my time writing reviews (I review for little money, but it's still something! and looking for jobs) I only update when I feel like taking a break from it all, which really isn't that often.

But here's what I'm going to do. I have 7 active stories right now and I'm going to leave it at that till all my personal stuff is out the way. Each night of the week I am going to update ONE story. I haven't got an accurate timetable yet but here is how I feel I want it to go.

Sunday - A Diamond In The Rough
Monday -Thumb On The Pulse, Finger On The Trigger
Tuesday - Crash Into You
Wednesday - I'm Gonna Lose My Mind
Thursday - Daddy Sold My Soul
Friday - You're My Second Heartbeat
Sunday - My Sacrifice

I will probably stick to this schedule, but it will not start until after the half term holiday's because being around the house I will probably get bored of applying for numerous jobs and writing my view on things, so updates will be randomly posted next week.

Sunday 27th February 2011 is when I will start this, thing...I have no idea what it is called but still. I hate making you guy wait for updates so I'm also gonna make notes of any ideas I have before I type up the chapters.

I love all my readers and subscribers, if you comment then you are in my special book of love n_n Joking I love you all equally. But comments are what give me the drive to continue writing, I mean, how do I know if you are enjoying the story or not if you don't comment?

Also Sunday nights will be my read nights where I will read stories so if you want me to read one of your stories feel free to drop me an inbox. Also add me and talk to me :) I don't bite.

I like co-writing too, used to do it on my old account before I deleted it, If anyone wants to co-write inbox me and I will work out a day or maybe two days where I will update the story :D

Love and cupcakes to you all


February 17th, 2011 at 11:11pm