Day 6-Nee Zealand.

Day 6....Nice to know I'm still going ;D

First off, I heard about the earthquake in New Zealand. My deepest thoughts go out to the people effected. I have a friend who lives there, I pray to god she is alright. I haven't heard anything yet though.

I can't be happy when I know she could be in danger, only time will tell though. I just hope nothing happened to her.

She was my best friend all the way through primary school, we used to hang around together every day. Then she moved to New Zealand, and I only see her over the summer holidays. I haven't seen her since 2010. I really miss her and I hope she's ok.

On a less depressing note, download announcement in tomorrows Kerrang! I hope Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows will be added? Maybe, an def leopard are not good headliners. Just saying! I'm heading out to the shop tomorrow bright and early just to get Kerrang! It better be worth it >.<

I think music is the only thing that keeps me sane in all my worrying. Don't give up hope.
-Georgia x
February 23rd, 2011 at 12:42am