Day 7

So, i think I'm just gonna use this as a trail. I'll stop now. Come on, who wants to keep on reading these? No one. That's alright though, it gives me more time to update stories. So it works in both favors.

So download added 21 acts today and they are amazing! BMTH, Asking Alexandria, Madina Lake and so many other awesome bands. I'm so bloody excited! They only need to add D.R.U.G.S, Young Guns and MCR to the line-up to make it the best one ever! (For me anyway)

It's been three days since I brought the new D.R.U.G.S album, and holy crap. I haven't stopped playing it for 3 days.

I think 'If You Think This Song Is About You, It Probably Is', 'Mr Owl Ate My Metal Worm' and 'Sex Life' are my favorite songs of the album. They're all amazing but if I had to pick three, they would be the ones!

I've been flicking through the picture I took at the MCR gig today. It only feels like yesterday, so amazing.....

That's it then!
-Georgia x
February 23rd, 2011 at 10:12pm