Bucket List

Earlier today, actually yesterday night I decided to make a bucket list.

I'll tell ya, it has been the best 4 or 5 hours I've spent in a while. So far I have 73 things on the list. I'm working on getting to 100 for now, in the future I'll add more. Anyways, I just wanted to know what other people have on their bucket list.
What's the craziest thing you have on the list?
So far mine would be #60- Bare all on a nude beach.
Not the most lady-like thing ever but it would be... interesting ha-ha!

Possibly one of the more "normal" ones would be #15- Learn Italian.

The cheesiest one I have is #68- Kiss in the rain. Sounds lame but I've always wanted to do that. I can thank romance movies for that one. Now I only need the right guy. Hmm any takers? LOL JUST KIDDING!

I'm off to bed 3:30 in the morning already, times flies when your being productive.

Good night fellow Mibbians =)
February 24th, 2011 at 11:29am