Hey guys! Sorry this isn't really a journal, but I have an issue I wanted to address and had no idea how else to do it since we can't post notes as chapters! First of all, I want to say a big THANK YOU to all of you who have been with Nick and Allegra since the beginning of their journey (and to those that have come along during the ride) and have stuck around this far. It means the world to me that anyone would take time to read the words I just write for fun. However, it seems less and less people are reading the chapters and commenting them. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind having closet readers...having any readers is awesome, but how am I supposed to know you guys are enjoying what I read if you don't give me your opinions on the chapters? I can only assume with the decline in the number of reads and comments that people have lost interest in these characters and in me. Writing these chapters takes up a lot of my time, time that I could very well dedicate to doing school work (trust me I have enough of it) or better yet sleeping, since I usually stay up late to work on chapters little by little. These next few weeks are going to find me extremely busy and I'll just be getting busier from then on. I don't want to have to feel bad about not updating in a month or two when it seems as if there aren't that many people that care...I know this is unfair to those of you who do read and comment each chapter, really, you don't know what that means to me. But if more people don't show interest, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to pull the plug on this story. I wouldn't ever leave it unfinished, but we're at a point where it can go two separate ways. I'm sure most of you wouldn't like the ending if it were altered from what I had planned, but there's still a while to go with the plot I originally had planned and I would love to write it that way, but to an appreciative audience. Again, sorry to those of you who are loyal commenters but I haven't really been motivated to write when only 5 people are reviewing...when I would get like 30 in FGG2JB or even just at the beginning of this story. It really kills me to have to do this, but I can be doing so much more with my time. I partly understand that the whole fanfiction craze has also died down, but there are still closet readers out there and if maybe half of you started leaving me your opinions (even a simple 'liked it!' or 'why the hell are you doing this to these characters?!' would suffice). Its not like I want novel length comments, but just something to let me know that this is worth continuing.

*sigh* I really wish it never came to this, but I've said all I have to say. Again, thanks for sticking with me this far--I really, really, really, am grateful for the comments and reads I do get.



February 27th, 2011 at 04:30pm