Of Exams and Storms

I feel as if this journal entry may be a rant entry. I'm not sure yet.

First of all, I would like to say that I'm definitely continuing my journal entries, because someone is reading them, whether they be a stalker or a curious person. I had ten readers, which is better than nothing!

Today at school, I had to take a mock exam for AP Chemistry. For those of you familiar with AP exams, you must feel my pain. I was stuck in the school auditorium for three hours to take a long test just to see where I stand in the class. Boo. It sucked. Most people agreed with me. Now tomorrow, I get to do the same thing except with AP Calculus AB and AP Statistics. Woot. I'm not worried about them. I'm more worried about the real exams in May.

Today, after the exam, I started on a story that I've been brainstorming for a while. I may post it on here after I finish it, or at least get a lot of it done, but I'm not sure yet. Would anyone be interested in reading it? I will give you a hint on what it is about. Carnaval of Venice. That's aaaall that I will tell you.

It's getting ready to storm here, and I'm excited about that. I live in "Dixie Valley," as experts claim, so it storms here a lot in the spring. I LOVE storms. In fact, that's one reason why I want to become a meteorologist. Maybe I could become a storm chaser!

Well, this is all I have to say, err, type, for now. Please feel free to comment!
February 28th, 2011 at 11:05pm