Thursday nights are usually awesome | Tumblr

But nothing is on. Not Community, not Parks and Recs, not 30 Rock, not a new episode of TVD or Nikita. The only semi-cool thing about tonight is American Idol and the season finale of Police Women of Cincinnati.

Can you say boring? Yeah.


The reason why I haven't been on journals that much is honestly because this sections of mibba has failed to hold my attention. The people that used to journal haven't been journaling as much, so it's a little on the boring side. Plus, I have no life therefore I don't have anything awesome to write.

Oh, and I barely read stories on here. I'm basically here for the forums and to make my theme look pretty.

Also, add me on Tumblr.

I hope you are having a better night than me, mibba.
- Tasha
March 4th, 2011 at 03:42am