Mibba needs an iPhone app.

Seriously. Wouldn't that be so amazing?
I mean, I already have a pretty consistent routine when I hack the school wifi.
Check the app store, check Facebook, check YouTube...
And then I have to open up Safari and log into Mibba and all that, which is kinda inconvinient since the wifi is really slow, and I don't have much time before class.
But what if there was an app? Check your subscriptions, your profile, your stories...

Now that I think about it, I'm forgetting about the Androids out there. I suppose you guys can get an app too.

Point is, now is the time for there to create an app.

I could say it's for technological innovation's sake, but it's really because I'm such a lazy bastard. Heh. Heh.

March 5th, 2011 at 06:40am