Senioritis is a Conspiracy

This week pretty much sucked. I have a lot to write about, just to get it off my chest.

First thing: School completely sucks. Especially spanish and my teacher. I really hate that class now, ever since I got back from my trip to Ashland, Oregon with my friends it progressively got worse. We're not learning the language anymore, we're just learning about stories and people. It's a friggen culture class, and I'm not learning ANYTHING important! So, on top of the fact that I was PMSing that week, I never took my teacher seriously, but did the work anyway. I still have an A in that class, my grade hasn't dropped one bit. But on Thursday after class my teacher called me and my friend Sara over to talk with us. She said she noticed a "cloud of senioritis" over us lately and expect more from us in regards to participation.

WHAT THE HELL. Teach better. Then I'll look interested.

I think senioritis is an excuse teachers made up to try and categorize their students at the end of the year. They probably use it to blame their crappy syllabus on our end of the year situation. Whatever. She decided to go skiing the next day instead of coming to school. Hypocrite.

Second thing: College is bugging the crap out of me. I STILL haven't heard from my first pick: Santa Clara. I NEED to hear soon, because I don't know if my family can afford it. It's so much money, and I get NOTHING from FAFSA and other government stuff. Cuz I'm a middle class white girl who did well in school and has a good family. I'm obviously well off to pay for a $50,000 tuition. ugh. All my other friends are getting money and news from their first choice schools. I've gotten nothing from Santa Clara. And my parents keep pushing the idea of going to a community college first, which isn't what I want to do. But it's cheaper. Bleh.

Last thing: I think I'm over my best friend. I know my last entry was about us possibly being friends with benefits, but it's been a month and nothing has happened lol. I don't have a problem with that, because one of my friends was about to date her best friend, and then he pulled the rug at the last second when he was supposed to make it official. It tore her apart, and scares me on what could happen if my best friend and I did something like that. So I think we're just gonna stay friends for now. Of course, that doesn't cover the fact that I want to jump on him every once in a while, but hey, that's natural. ;)

Okay I'm done with my rant. Thanks for listening :) I feel so much better. Added a new chapter to my story finally. Been fricking two months or something. But hey, better late than never eh?
March 13th, 2011 at 11:38pm