Mibba, You Seem Depressed Today. I Dare You To Watch This Video and Not Feel Better Afterwards.

I don't know, I've seen so many negative journals today, and on the forums everyone seems to be really worked up, and it's rather strange. So, I've decided to be cliché and spread a little love.

The Video;

Seriously, if you don't crack a smile or a laugh while watching this, I'm sorry to inform you that you have no soul. You get that? No. Soul.

xD I kid. But it's still a brilliant video. Watch it and feel your teeth rot from the sweetness.

I should hope that by now, your day had bettered by at least 250%.

Want Friends?;

So do I. I'll follow/ask back ^_^

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Yeah, I know, I'm everywhere. I'm like a bad smell. That person who always pops up on Mibba? Me. That person who's always in Facebook? Me. That person who - well, you get it.

St. Paddy's Day;

It was awesome. I went down to the army bar (I'm in the UOTC, basically an army club for universities) and they laid on a really good party. I can't really remember most of it, but I managed to avoid the jail all night. See we have bar rules, and we have a mini jail constructed in the back (bars and everything). If you break certain rules, you end up in there. For example, if you ring the bell at the bar, you either have to buy everyone present a drink or go in the jail. You're in the jail for spilling a drink, getting your mobile phone out, public displays of affection, and anything else that we decide. xD Liam dropped an entire bottle of beer which shattered on the floor, and ended up in the jail.

Now, to get out, you have to take a shot of vodka or whiskey. The catch is, it has to be through the straw, which is just as disgusting as it sounds, if not more so. Because of the magnitude of the alcohol he spilled we decided it had to be a double. I was his lawyer and told him we'd had to settle. xD Good times, I hope we do it again next year. I remember some people fell over to Cotton Eye Joe (our company's official song xD) and then someone pinned me down and draw a giant penis on my arm, from the wrist to the elbow. No regrets.


After the most pointless journal ever, I hope you're having a good day, or at least a better one now you've seen that video. Here's some questions.

1) Do anything for St. Patrick's Day?
2) Pirates of ninjas?
3) Any pets? What are their names?
4) Do you know what The Game is?
5) If you do, are you aware that you just lost it?

Off to take her pointlessness elsewhere,
xx Fionnuala xx
March 20th, 2011 at 04:58am