Write this on Your Calendar....I need help for the first time

To start off my dad raised me and took care of me for all of my life. He protected me from my mom and every other bad thing that could have possibly happened to me if I had been in her care instead of his. I love my dad to pieces but I have a problem that I need help with.

When I look for someone to be with at first it clicks and I really like them. Then as I see more of their not so good qualities I decide not to be with them because I know my dad wouldn't approve. My dad means everything to me but at the same time shouldn't I be able to be happy? I wanna be with someone my dad is proud of, someone that I'm proud of.

I found someone that means a lot to me. I'm not in love with him but when we are together it's like nothing outside exists. It's weird but at the same time it's natural. I never gave US a thought because of his crime record and daddy is a cop. He would not approve and his approval means everything to me.

It seems like anyone I date isn't worthy. It sucks cause I wanna be with someone but I wanna make my dad proud of me.

What should I do?
March 21st, 2011 at 05:31am