My newfound "Chicago" obsession and how I'm hacking the school wireless.

I've watched the 2003 movie musical "Chicago" about 15 times in the past month. It's SO ADDICTING. Favourite songs are "Cell Block Tango" and "Mr. Cellophane." I want it to be our school musical next year, because I want to play Velma Kelly more than anything.
It's just such an amazing story. I think it's still relevant to modern times. I mean, look at Charlie Sheen. He's an abusive drug addict and he's one of the most famous people in the world right now.
And the choreography and costumes and sets... Ohh they just make me so tingly and warm inside. Definitely deserved all six academy awards.

So I'm sitting in Modern World right now (California's history class) and I connected to school wifi. It's a complicated explanation but basically I logged into it with the same username/password combo that I use to get to the website where we check our grades. My teacher doesn't mind - he's a pretty cool guy and he doesn't mind since I finished the assignment. He thinks I have an iPhone though. He doesn't know I'm using an iTouch and as far as my friends and I know, the school doesn't know that we figured out the wireless. However, Facebook and YouTube are blocked, which sucks.
Arg, my stalker is staring at me from across the room. Creep.

Woah, I just realised that "Don't Waste Your Time On Me" has 43 subscribers. That's the highest I've ever gotten - twice as many as my last story. Thanks guys :)

I have so many ideas for my next story, it's kinda hard to decide, but the list includes: a Fabulous Killjoys story, the sequel to "A Little Less 'Sixteen Candles,' A Little More 'Touch Me,'" a story recycling the characters of Jasey Rae and Alex which'll include a one night stand and a tour, and a Midnight Beast fanfiction, cause I still haven't found a good one. :( I love my British comedic sex gods.

Alright, I've gotta go to biology, guys. Have a great weekend :)
April 7th, 2011 at 07:44pm