My best guy friend might me more then a friend?

Okay, so I've been friends with this guy for a long time. I mean since he moved in next door to us and that was in 2006.....I think? Yeah that sounds about right. He was just one of those kids who I could be myself around. We use to hang out everyday but when we started to get older we didn't hang out as much. But we just started really hanging out again last summer and like at first I would always tell him "oh your like a brother to me!". I don't know why I would always tell him that? Maybe because I was scared that we would end up being more then friends and something like THIS would happen! Ugh.....

But like whenever I'm around him I'm laughing, smiling, being well just being me. Like when he says that "oh I bet you'll like this" like showing me something or talking about something and i'll ask why and he always answers "because I know you and I know you'll like it". When he does say that he's right. It when he does say that it'll make me smile because like honestly when someone knows exactly what your like and don’t like its nice that they KNOW you. Like really really know you. He also reads me like a book, no joke. He knows when I'm faking the hell out of a smile. He just knows that something is wrong or when I'm acting like im paying attention and really im not (which was once because I always pay attention to him and the reason I wasn't was because I was dizzy and hand a headache, and two days after that day I ended up going to the ER) because he was like I know your not paying attention and I of course said sorry. But really NONE of my friends have ever realized that.

But we like to push each other to our limits. We both have the evil sick humor and when were together you never know what's going to happen. But we, I think both say stuff to get a reaction out of the other. Good or bad. Like the other day his little sister kept saying were dating which were NOT! And I told her I have a boyfriend and then later that night he txt me saying he was jealous, I got very upset about him being jealous. Do I want to ruin a good friendship?

I mean sometimes I think that I really do like him. That me and him would be perfect. That it would be so EASY. So easy just being together but then other times i'll be like he's just my friend. Just. My. Friend. That's all.

.............this is one of those times when I want to be more then friends
April 14th, 2011 at 06:01am