

Feel like SHIT.

Miss Madrid.

Miss boyfriend. Ex, to be specific.

Miss looking good.

Miss candy. Though I just had some chocolate. (Don't judge!)

Listening to I Want Candy by Aaron Carter. This kid used to be so cute.

Weight normal, yet people have been telling me I look ill and need to gain weight. REALLY? CAN YOU GO THROUGH CANCER LOOKING OH-SO-FABULOUS? And I'm at my normal weight, so you can go f-yourselves - 70 pounds is more than enough for me.

Depression reigns.

Need to study more - can't get up and do it.

Failed model. Too fat, too ugly, and too sleep deprived.

Might as well just become a nun with an iron mask. Oh wait, I'm too "promiscuous" to be a nun. Really? Which jackass - namely my brother - says that?

April 15th, 2011 at 04:18pm