So not a good year....

Life been going down hill. Soon before school started my dad shot my dog to put him out of his misery. Then it all started on the first day of School. Friends fighting. Broken friendships. Then It got more complicated. My gma and her youngest son (My uncle, my dad's and his older two brothers' little bother) both having cancer.... My gma has Leukemia and Idk what my uncle had.... but just recently my uncle died. The cancer spread to severely. His bones, his lungs, his brain....
I wrote Unspoken Goodbye just for my uncle....I miss him so much </3
I love you forever and always Uncle David

R.I.P. ~ David Karl Krintz
Age 47
August 28, 1964 - March 30, 2011
April 18th, 2011 at 11:10pm