Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all

~Dale Carnegie (1888 -1955)

Well... I got a new chapter out... I'm sorry it was long, but it was one of my favourites! Now I need to approach you all on something new, based on my quote for this journal.

Many of us out there have pets of some kind, so when many of us see those commercials or ads about animal abuse we get bothered by it, because we think about how we would feel if that was OUR pet. Well... here's the story of Angus (in a nutshell).

Angus is an eclectus parrot, and I discovered him from a post of facebook page where a member shared it. His owner sadly lost him one day when he managed to escape from her home. Now, if any of you have lost pets (I am thankful I haven't) then you understand the pain. Others can only imagine the worry one must feel. Well think about that, then add what I'm about to share.

Someone found Angus the parrot, but this was not a good thing. He fell into the hands of a person who either doesn't understand the needs of animals, or enjoys abusing them for his own pleasure. He clipped Angus's wings, and kept him as his own. Then, for some reason, he decided it would be good to place this bird on the windshield wipers (after he propped them up away from the window) and drive around with his parrot on them. And this wasn't a one time thing. He has his videos on youtube. He started off just driving around on back roads, then he escalated to highways, and then began to fool around. He would stop suddenly or turn on the wipers, in what looks like an attempt to spook/toss the bird off the car.

for a more thorough story please follow this link

and for a follow up go here

now, this is where I ask for your help. In the first link the blog redirects you to a petition for action, as well as the videos. Please, take the time to sign the petition and voice your opinion. As for the latest status update, the RSPCA has looked into it, but the abuser and the parrot disappeared. Now, their regulations prevent them from doing anything further. So, what brought all this up again was a message I wrote to the "victoria police forcebook" (a page on facebook). It broke my heart and left me in tears. Please, if you have facebook, ask them to do something for this parrot. Only a few sentances are needed. Us animal lovers, and the race of humanity, need to change this. Who wants a world where people can continue to get away with abusing animals for their own gain?

Well, back to my story, I know I said you would get the myth soon, but I keep finding things to write about that continue to add to the story. I don't know if it'll be this chapter. Depends on how long this one part goes. If not, I'll add the myth in, maybe split it in half and leave a ncie cliffhanger.

Well... a beautiful dove sat on my window today. He just watched me for a moment then flew off. I love birds... just saying :P

Well, I'm going to get back to writing. Please help Angus. I can't imagine that poor woman losing her parrot, only to find he's with such a horrible person. Please, take the time to help out.

And give your animals a bit more affection today. Remember they are safe with you, and they don't have to deal with this. I gave my dog an extra long hug, while I cried for this poor woman. I'm enjoying the moments I have with my dog.
May 7th, 2011 at 02:31am